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  • Pattern with objects (kibutsu monyō 器物文様): rings with fortunate motifs
Period | Style | School
  • height: 24.6 cm
  • width: 41.5 cm
  • pattern - height: 13.1 cm
  • pattern - width: 35.6 cm
Inventory number
  • OR 3925-3316
  • assumption, 1907
  • Asia Collection
    "Dyed ground" (jizomari 地染). Motifs: hagoita 羽子板 and hane for hanetsuki 羽根突き, a game similar to badminton at New Year; male and female paper figure for hina matsuri 雛祭り (Doll’s Day, 03.03.); a drum with two mallets probably for o-bon 御盆, a Buddhist festival to save the souls of the deceased ancestors, combined with dance events, hence the drum; a drum with kankodori 諌鼓鶏 for various matsuri 祭り (festivals), e.g. Kanda matsuri oder Sannō matsuri; hiiragi iwashi柊鰯 (holly and sardine) for setsubun 節分, „the day before the beginning of spring“; mikoshi 神輿, a portable shrine in which the deity is led out of their building in the shrine on festive occasions; shōbugatana 勝負刀 or 菖蒲刀 (sword and scabbard) for tango no sekku 端午の節句 (05.05.); Susuki grass (or rice ears?) and sanbō 三方/三宝 with dumplings for feast of the full moon on the 15th day of the eighth month in the old calendar: jūgoya 十五夜 ("15th night") or tsukimi 月見 ("moon viewing"); decorated bamboo for tanabata 七夕, a so-called "star festival" on July 7th (originally on the 7th day of the 7th month in the lunar calendar). Two stars, Vega and Altair, meet in the sky that day; fish (red seabream), a symbol of luck, also: attribute of the god of luck Ebisu 恵比寿; shimenawa しめ縄 ('consecrated' straw rope) with hanging plants(?); mortar (usu 臼) and wooden mallets (kine 杵), utensils for mochitsuki 餅 つ き (= mochi pounding, pounding steamed glutinous rice), a “ceremonial” activity at the end of the year in preparation for the New Year festival; Otafuku お多福・阿多福, or Okame お亀・阿亀, a lucky charm and kumade 熊 手 (= "bear paws"; rake of bamboo); probably a flag mounted on a pole; stone lantern and "lion dress" on the floor for the New Year celebrations.
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  • stencil (katagami 型紙), Pattern with objects (kibutsu monyō 器物文様): rings with fortunate motifs, Anonym, MAK OR 3925-3316
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Last update
  • 24.02.2025

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