- Zigarrenschrank (original-language title)
- デザイン: Rose Krenn, ウイーン, 1912
- 作者: Karl Adolf Franz, ウイーン, 1912
- 作者: Florian Hrabal, ウイーン, 1912
時代 | 王朝 | 様式
材料 | 手法
Marketerie aus schwarz gebeiztem Ahorn-,
Zebrano- und Amarantholz; Ahornholz,
gebeizt; Zebranoholz,
furniert; Messing,
- 縦幅: 148 センチ
- 横幅: 58 センチ
- Tiefe: 42 センチ
- H 1397
- purchase, 1912
- Furniture and Woodwork Collection
Rosa Krenn, a student of Josef Hoffmann, designed this peculiar and unique ornamental cabinet. Much like certain pieces of “Viennese-style” furniture by Koloman Moser and Dagobert Peche, this one initially confuses the viewer with no accentuation of its tectonics or structure and an ambivalent relationship between the spatial and the planar: the supporting frame, veneered in horizontally grained zebrawood and ending with just a curved ledge at the top, seems incapable of bearing the weight of the cubic and smooth cabinet on top. And the marquetry (wood inlays) on the front and side panels, with its stylized leaf décor composed of zebrawood, purpleheart and black-varnished maple, is highly unusual as well, presenting an exotic and expressionistic appearance. Last but not least, Rosa Krenn’s ornamental cabinet is one of this period’s very rare examples of furniture designed by a woman.
(Hackenschmidt, Sebastian)
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On display
on display
decorative cabinet, Zigarrenschrank, Rose Krenn, MAK Inv.nr. H 1397
Last update
- 06.02.2025