- Wiener Werkstätte, handbedruckte Seidenstoffe (original-language title)
- デザイン: Diverse Entwerfer
- 作者: Wiener Werkstätte, ウイーン, um 1911
材料 | 手法
Buchseite: cardboard,
Einband: linen,
fabric swatch: silk,
mounting: metal
, -
fabric swatch: tabby (plain weave),
fabric swatch: printed textile material,
logo: embossed
- 縦幅: 25.7 センチ
- 横幅: 21 センチ
- Tiefe: 4 センチ
- T 10621
- purchase , 1968-03-19
- Textiles and Carpets Collection
- page of a pattern book, Rhombus
- page of a pattern book, Königskerze
- page of a pattern book, Seerose
- page of a pattern book, Krieau
- page of a pattern book, Hochwald
- page of a pattern book, Hochwald, Herbstsonne
- page of a pattern book, Sachs (Lachs)
- page of a pattern book, Dorfrose
- page of a pattern book, Fischreiher, Gazelle
- page of a pattern book, Pulkau
- page of a pattern book, Grünfink, Forelle
- page of a pattern book, Bavaria
- page of a pattern book, Bavaria
- page of a pattern book, Schigatze
- page of a pattern book, Einsame Blume
- page of a pattern book, Kohleule
- page of a pattern book, Hameau, Helenenthal (Helenental)
- page of a pattern book, Pfingstrose
- page of a pattern book, Po-Ho
- page of a pattern book, Biene, Amsel
- page of a pattern book, Erlenzeisig
- page of a pattern book, Erlenzeisig, Krebs
- page of a pattern book, Kahlenberg, Kernbeisser
- page of a pattern book, Krametsvogel, Triangel
- page of a pattern book, Triangel, Aninger
- page of a pattern book, April, Baumfalke
- page of a pattern book, Jagdfalke
- page of a pattern book, Jagdfalke, Blätter
- page of a pattern book, Blumenwiese, Ragusa
- page of a pattern book, Eiderente, Goldblatt
- page of a pattern book, Bachstelze, Laubfrosch
- page of a pattern book, Citronenfalter, Rollschnecke, Raketen
- page of a pattern book, Montezuma
- page of a pattern book, Montezuma
- page of a pattern book, Rosenkavalier
- page of a pattern book, Rosenkavalier
- page of a pattern book, Klatschrose
- page of a pattern book, Blumenhorn
- page of a pattern book, Blumenhorn
- page of a pattern book, Blumenhorn, Kiebitz
- page of a pattern book, Spätsommer
- page of a pattern book, Cobenzl
- page of a pattern book, Kobenzl (Cobenzl)
- page of a pattern book, Eisfuchs
- page of a pattern book, Samtente, Feldlerche
- page of a pattern book, Feldlerche, Kanarienvogel, Alpenfalter
- page of a pattern book, Alpenfalter, Schönbrunn, Adler
- page of a pattern book, Adler, Alpenweide
- page of a pattern book, Kropftaube
- page of a pattern book, Dorfschwalbe, Stichblatt
- page of a pattern book, Stichblatt
- page of a pattern book, Stichblatt, Kuckuck
- page of a pattern book, Leopard, Monte Carlo
- page of a pattern book, Hase, Gorilla
- page of a pattern book, Wienerwald
- page of a pattern book, Gemse, Kolibri
- page of a pattern book, Hecht
- page of a pattern book, Apollo
- page of a pattern book, Ameise
- page of a pattern book, Ameise, Bergfink
- page of a pattern book, Baummarder, Eisblume
- page of a pattern book, Bergfalter, Fuchs
- page of a pattern book, Herzblatt
- page of a pattern book, Herzblatt
- page of a pattern book, Feiertag
- page of a pattern book, Feiertag
- page of a pattern book, Vorgarten
- page of a pattern book, Flamingo, Hermelin
- page of a pattern book, Dammhirsch
- page of a pattern book, Geier
- page of a pattern book, Geier, Mosaik
- page of a pattern book, Pierrot, Haushund
- page of a pattern book, Löwe
- page of a pattern book, Luchs
- page of a pattern book, Backfisch
- page of a pattern book, Freudenau
- page of a pattern book, Schwarzblatt
- page of a pattern book, Blitz, Wasserfall
- page of a pattern book, Riva
- page of a pattern book, Riva, Kaschmirziege
- page of a pattern book, Venusgärtchen
- page of a pattern book, Venusgärtchen
- page of a pattern book, Santa Sophia (Santa Sofia)
- page of a pattern book, Hirschenzunge
- page of a pattern book, Hirschenzunge
- page of a pattern book, Gartenwinde
- page of a pattern book, Gartenwinde
- page of a pattern book, Gartenwinde, Mandelkrähe
- page of a pattern book, St. Veit
- page of a pattern book, Kohlmeise, Maikäfer
- page of a pattern book, Osterglocken
- page of a pattern book, Grasmücke
- page of a pattern book, Lerche, Diabolo
- page of a pattern book, Edelkoralle, Goldfasan
- page of a pattern book, Marina
- page of a pattern book, Mignon
- page of a pattern book, Pfauenauge
- page of a pattern book, Tunis
- page of a pattern book, Riva
- page of a pattern book, Adrianopel
- page of a pattern book, Adrianopel
- page of a pattern book, Adrianopel, Zierpflanze
- page of a pattern book, Ibikus
- page of a pattern book, Akropolis, Ceylon
- page of a pattern book, Edelmarder, Baumfalke
- page of a pattern book, Carmen, Grünspecht
- page of a pattern book, Alpenweide, Maikäfer
- page of a pattern book, Kranichgeier
- page of a pattern book, Wanderer
- page of a pattern book, Granate
- page of a pattern book, Waldkapelle
- page of a pattern book, Gloggnitz
- page of a pattern book, Gloggnitz
- page of a pattern book, Schönau, Dornröschen
- page of a pattern book, Lyon, Puch
- page of a pattern book, Seetang
- page of a pattern book, Seetang
- page of a pattern book, Benz, Mikado
- page of a pattern book, Federbusch
- page of a pattern book, Venedig, Luxemburg
- page of a pattern book, Konstantinopel
- page of a pattern book, Schottland (Irland)
- page of a pattern book, Geisha
- page of a pattern book, Strohblumen, Daimler
- page of a pattern book, Mauerblümchen
- page of a pattern book, Mauerblümchen, Messina
- page of a pattern book, Peking, Hameau
- page of a pattern book, Iris
- page of a pattern book, Lianen, Nizza
- page of a pattern book, Nizza
- page of a pattern book, Ilona, Kranich
- page of a pattern book, Kranich, Zauberflöte
- page of a pattern book, Warschau, Ragusa
- page of a pattern book, Goldregen
- page of a pattern book, Sinsa (Linsa)
- page of a pattern book, Dolde
- page of a pattern book, Arbe
Associated Objects
- Inschrift (Buchdeckel) : WW
Sample Book, Wiener Werkstätte, handbedruckte Seidenstoffe, Diverse Entwerfer, MAK Inv.nr. T 10621
Last update
- 21.03.2025