- Veranstaltungsplakat (descriptive title)
- Veranstaltungsplakat. Vortragsreihe "Vienna/New York". Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. (original-language title)
- Vienna/New York (project title)
- A New Wave of Austrian Architecture (Projekttitel)
- Beteiligte Körperschaft: Missing Link, 1970 - 1980
- 縦幅: 55.5 センチ
- 横幅: 43.2 センチ
- KI 23091-5-7-3
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
- 作品に記載されている文章 (front) : VIENNA/NEW YORK / The National Tour Program of the Institute for Architecture/ and Urban Studies in conjunction with Open Plan presents / 7 Lectures on Viennese Architecture Today. / Moderators: Christian Hubert and Andrew MacNair / Mondays, 6:30 PM
- text on object (Vorderseite, unten mittig) : Lecturer / Guest / March 24 Kenneth Frampton / Introduction / March 31 Otto Kapfinger / MIssing Link / "Comments in Architecture" Livio Dimitriu / April 7 Rudoph Kohoutek / "Architecture beyond Eclecticism?" Steven Holl / April 13 Else Renate Prochazka / "Monotony and Beauty" Robert Livesey / April 21 Heinz Tesar / "Characterization and Tyoe" Lebbaus Woods / April 28 Hermann Czech / "Individualization through Theory" Steven Harris / May 4 Christian Hubert an Andrew MacNair Conclusion
- Text am Objekt (Vorderseite, unten) : For further information please contact Kate Norment at 212-398-9474 / This program is made possible with fund from the National / Endowment for the Arts an the Zentralsparkasse and Kommerzialbank / Wien.
- Text am Objekt (Vorderseite, oben) : The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies / Eight West Fortieth Street, New York, N.Y. 10018 / Telephone: 212 398 9474
Superordinated Object
poster, Veranstaltungsplakat, Missing Link, MAK Inv.nr. KI 23091-5-7-3
Last update
- 23.01.2025