- Kerman carpet
- Vase motives (descriptive title)
- 縦幅: 248 センチ
- 横幅: 150 センチ
- OR 359
- 引継 , 1907
- Textiles and Carpets Collection
This white-grounded fragment consists of one part each of the border and field, and is a part of a once very large vase carpet. It was purchased at the end of the 19th century for the Orientalisches Museum, which was founded with the goal of
promoting the international trade of the Habsburg Empire. When this museum was partially taken over, the fragment then came to the MAK. Technical criteria are crucial for the establishment of this specific Kerman group of carpets, which
were produced from the end of the 16th century up into the post-Safavid period. The preserved field displays the characteristic pattern of two tendril systems overlapping in a rhomboid shape. Paradisiacal associations are evoked by the
fantastically combined floral decor. One sees the eponymous vase, filled with a bouquet of pinkblooming branches, in the lower half.
See More:
- Das Kaiserlich Königliche Österreichische Museum für Kunst und Industrie, 1864 - 1914, Abb. S. 77 (MAK Hauspublikation)
- MAK Führer 1993, Abb. S.125 (MAK Hauspublikation)
- 3D-Modell (MAK Sketchfab)
- Altorientalische Teppiche, Wien 1951, Abb. Tafel 14 u. 15 (MAK Hauspublikation)
- Kunstschätze aus Iran, 1963, Abb. S. 84 (MAK Hauspublikation)
Last update
- 15.03.2025