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  • Still Life "World Dummy". An Action with Pieces of Cloths an Poles. (original-language title)
  • Fotocollage aus 12 Fotos der Aktion "Stilleben Weltattrappe" 1972 (descriptive title)
  • Stilleben Weltattrappe (project title)
  • height: 59.1 cm
  • width: 109.3 cm
  • width: 72 cm
Inventory number
  • KI 23091-7-2
  • purchase, 2014-12-23
  • Library and Works on Paper Collection
  • text on object (Vorderseite, rechts) : STILL LIFE „WORLD DUMMY“ / AN ACTION WITH PIECES OF CLOTHS / AND POLESOn the back seat of a „Volkswagen“ / there is plenty of room for everything: / those pieces of cloths, a couple of hinges and moulds of wood, a box of / chalk etc. In the course of an „action“ / all this grows into an ensemble which / in fact can alter any room or place by / the simplest arrangement.We start by drawing a line, a white / line on the asphalt, lines in the street. / Regarded as a symbol the circle means / at the same time limitation and is an / indication. It indicates that something / is starting, developing. An abstract / layout-plan – as is done by surveving / the foundation of a house – ist trans- / ferred directly tot he ground. On it / the poles are erected – stiff, material / lines which support each other accor- / ding tot he static principles of a / triangle. the wrags – which were simply / thrown over the poles, somehow covering / them – provide space, they enlarge the / structure, but also limit ist. They are / facades quite movable, which even do / react to air currents.Poles and wrags form an improvised, yet / temporarily usable „environment“ wich / brings about different effects. / Through the stylization of the single / objects and through the closeness of / objects which are directly understanda- / ble, though estranged in many ways, / opposites are made clear: the world / dummy develops during the „action“ with / those insignificant and serially pro- / duced materials: a bundle of sticks and / wrags become a form and a name. The face / of the town, any place and any kind of / background means a contrast and becomes / evidently exchangeable as a symbol and / as a place that can be identified pro- / perly.Symbols and fetishes were always por- / table. The transport of those, however, / sometimes became a ritual as well / (processions,…). Ambivalence as a / means of doubt – arouses quite diffe- / rent aggressions. Single objects are / named twice: / cross – scarecrow´/ bomb – cloud / arc – spaceship / stretcher – prevention / star – spearThrough this kind of names and their / correlation taboos are violated; but / also through the frame-work itself and / the way of presentation. On the other / hand taboos quite new to learn are de- / velopping. There is a circle drawn / with chalk, which to cross is difficult: / a white linen one does not tread on / with shoes… Symbols and fetishes were / always safe from aggressions by diffe- / rent taboos and forbidden zones.The explosion of aggressions aroudes in / the passing spectators towards the ob- / jects themselves would be quite useless. / Those still have their part of a symbo- / lic character. But also the actionists / do not represent the ambivalence of the / situation. the aggressivity could direct / itself back upon the spectator and be- / come free as energy of reflexion as far / as it is not a means for self-reliance, / for security.
  • title (Rückseite, links unten) : STILLEBEN WELTATTRAPPE / AKTION 1972
  • stamp (Rückseite, rechts unten) : Rep. Österreich / Zollamt Wien / 28
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  • photograph, Still Life "World Dummy". An Action with Pieces of Cloths an Poles., Missing Link, MAK KI 23091-7-2
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Last update
  • 10.01.2025

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