- Photograph of a masonry heater, designed by Professor Franz Barwig and executed by Rudolf Sommerhuber in Steyr (given title)
- A total of 26 photographs of objects from the winter exhibition at the MAK in 1913 (title addition)
- execution of depicted work: Sommerhuber Manufaktur Steyr 1491, Steyr, before 1913
- photographer: Bruno Reiffenstein, Vienna, before 1913
- client / customer: MAK – Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst, Vienna, before 1913
- design of depicted work: Franz Barwig, Vienna, before 1913
Material | Technique
- height: 23 cm
- width: 16.3 cm
- secondary support cardboard - height: 50.1 cm
- secondary support cardboard - width: 33 cm
Inventory number
- KI 7907-17
- purchase, 1913
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
- embossing (Untersatzkarton, mittig unten) : B. REIFFENSTEIN / WIEN.VIII. / BENNOGASSE No. 24
- text on object: [Untersatzkarton, links unten]: Wien, k. k. Österr. Museum / Winterausstellung 1913/14[Untersatzkarton, mittig]: R. II[Untersatzkarton, rechts unten]: Raum II. / Kachelofen, entworfen und / modelliert von Prof. F. Barwig / ausgeführt von Rud. Sommer- / huber in Steyr.
photograph, Photograph of a masonry heater, designed by Professor Franz Barwig and executed by Rudolf Sommerhuber in Steyr, Sommerhuber Manufaktur Steyr 1491, MAK Inv.nr. KI 7907-17
Last update
- 23.01.2025