- Künstler-Album
- : zu Gunsten des Ersten Wiener Feriencolonien-Spar- und Unterstützungs-Vereines für Kinder in Wien ; unter dem Protectorate Ihrer Durchlaucht der Frau Fürstin Marie zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (subtitle)
- author: Marie zu / Edler, Carl Erdmann Wiener Ferienkolonie Spar- und Unterstützungsverein / Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
- author: Marie zu / Edler, Carl Erdmann Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
- author: Karl Erdmann Edler
- illustrator: Julius Berger
- illustrator: Wilhelm Bernatzik
- illustrator: Rudolf Bernt
- illustrator: Eugen von Blaas
- illustrator: Julius von Blaas
- illustrator: Hugo Charlemont
- illustrator: Hugo Darnaut
- illustrator: Adolf Gustav Ditscheiner
- illustrator: August Eisenmenger
- illustrator: Joseph Engelhart
- illustrator: Hans Ludwig Fischer
- illustrator: Friedrich Friedländer
- illustrator: Carl Fröschl
- illustrator: Joseph Fux
- illustrator: Hermann Giesel
- illustrator: Alois Greil
- illustrator: Hermine von Hermann
- illustrator: Carl Karger
- illustrator: Isidor Kaufmann
- illustrator: Anton Kozakiewicz
- illustrator: Eduard von Luttich
- illustrator: Rudolf von Mehoffer
- illustrator: Ludwig Michalek
- illustrator: Anton Müller
- illustrator: Leopold Carl Müller
- illustrator: Carl Onken
- illustrator: Luigi Passini
- illustrator: Carl Probst
- illustrator: Michael Rieser
- illustrator: Rudolf Rössler
- illustrator: Robert Ruß
- illustrator: August Schäffer
- illustrator: Franz Simm
- illustrator: Emanuel Stöckler
- illustrator: Franz Streitt
- illustrator: Friedrich Sturm
- illustrator: Joseph Trenkwald
- illustrator: Angelo Trentin
- illustrator: Olga Wisinger-Florian
- illustrator: Eduard Zetsche
- illustrator: Carl Zewy
- print office: Adolf Holzhausen (Wien), Vienna
- execution of cover: anonymous, Austria
- illustrator: Sigmund L’Allemand
- publisher: Carl Friedrich Rudolph Tempsky, Vienna, 1890
Material | Technique
Binding: woven fabric,
Binding: cardboard
- height: 56 cm
- width: 41 cm
- depth: 2 cm
Inventory number
- BI 49151
- donation,
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
Loose-leaf Collection, Künstler-Album, Marie zu / Edler, Carl Erdmann Wiener Ferienkolonie Spar- und Unterstützungsverein / Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, MAK Inv.nr. BI 49151
Last update
- 02.03.2025