- Für Alfred Kubin
- Eine Widmung österreichischer Dichter und Künstler zu seinem 50. Geburtstag (subtitle)
- author: Richard Billinger
- author: Felix Braun
- author: Theodor Franz Csokor
- author: Anton Faistauer
- author: Gertrud Herzog-Hauser
- author: Alma Johanna Koenig
- author: Josef Luitpold
- author: Max Mell
- author: Emil Alphons Rheinhardt
- author: Arthur Roessler
- author: Richard von Schaukal
- author: Otto Stoessl
- author: Heinrich Suso Waldeck
- illustrator: Anton Hanak
- illustrator: Carry Hauser
- illustrator: Clemens Holzmeister
- illustrator: Ernst Huber
- illustrator: Theodor Kern
- illustrator: Wilhelm Klier
- illustrator: Oskar Laske
- illustrator: Franz Lerch
- illustrator: Alfred Loeb
- illustrator: Georg Mayer-Marton
- illustrator: Georg Merkel
- illustrator: Ernst Wagner
- illustrator: Georg Philipp Woerlen
- illustrator: Franz von Zülow
- print office: Jahoda & Siegel (Textdruck), Vienna, 1927
- print office: F. Rollinger (Wien), Vienna, 1927
- design of cover: Robert Haas, Austria
- illustrator: Georg Ehrlich, Austria
- publisher: Officina Vindobonensis, Vienna
Material | Technique
Binding: woven fabric,
Bindung: sewing
, -
Binding: hollow back,
illustration: chromolithography
- number of pages: 50 page(s)
- height: 25 cm
- width: 19 cm
- depth: 1 cm
Inventory number
- BI 24436
- purchase,
- Library and Works on Paper Collection