- Erster Band (Bandtitel)
- Aegypten in Bild und Wort (subtitle)
- author: Georg Moritz Ebers
- illustrator: Frank Dillon
- illustrator: Bernhard Fiedler
- illustrator: Wilhelm Gentz
- illustrator: Adolf Gnauth
- illustrator: Wilhelm Hecht (1843)
- illustrator: Ernst Heyn
- illustrator: C Rudolf Huber
- illustrator: Jerichau-Baumann
- illustrator: Ferdinand von Keller
- illustrator: Ernst Körner
- illustrator: Herm Kretzschmer
- illustrator: Gustav Kühn
- illustrator: Franz Lenbach
- illustrator: August Löffler
- illustrator: J Machytka
- illustrator: Hans Makart
- illustrator: Leop Carl Müller
- illustrator: August Ramsthal
- illustrator: Gustav Karl Ludwig Richter
- illustrator: Franz jun. Schmoranz
- illustrator: Alois Schönn
- illustrator: Adolf Seel
- illustrator: B Strassberger
- illustrator: Alma Tadema
- illustrator: G Theuerkauf
- illustrator: Weidenbach
- illustrator: F C Welsch
- illustrator: Carl Friedrich Heinrich Werner
- illustrator: E Berninger
- print office: Hallberger, 1879
- design of cover: G. Hasert, Germany
- illustrator: Ludwig Burger, Germany
- illustrator: E Berninger, Germany
- publisher: Hallberger, Baden-Württemberg, 1879
Material | Technique
Binding: calico,
Bindung: sewing
, -
Binding: blind embossing,
Binding: gold embossing,
Binding: hollow back,
illustration: wood engraving,
Buchblock: marbled
- height: 39.5 cm
- width: 31 cm
- depth: 4 cm
Inventory number
- BI 36165
- donation,
- Library and Works on Paper Collection