- Animal Locomotion (original-language title)
- an Electro-Photographic Investigation of Consecutive Phases of Animal Movements : 1872-1885 / by Eadweard Muybridge ; published unter the Auspices of the University of Pennsylvania (subtitle)
- [9 von ursprünglich 11 Bänden erhalten] (descriptive title)
- photographer: Eadweard Muybridge, Philadelphia, 1887
- client / customer: University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, 1887
- print office: Photogravure company (New York), 1887
Material | Technique
Einband: morocco
, -
Einband: gold embossing,
Buchblock: sewing
- geschlossen - width: 52.5 cm
- geschlossen - height: 62 cm
- geschlossen - depth: 5.5 cm
Inventory number
- BI 12219
- purchase, 1898
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates Vol I ; Males - (nude)
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol II ; Males - (nude)
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol V ; Males - (pelvis cloth)
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol VI ; Females - (semi-nude and transparent drapery) and children
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol VIII ; Abnormal movements. Males and females - (nude and semi-nude)
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol VII ; Males and females - (draped) and miscellaneous subjects
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol IX ; Horses
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol X ; Domestic Animals
- Bibliophile edition, Animal Locomotion : Plates -Vol XI ; Wild animals and birds