- ABRA (original-language title)
- Vorlage Porzellanmanufaktur
- design: Angelika Kauffmann, London, before 1783
- engraver: Thomas Burke, 1783
- publisher: anonymous, London, 1783
Material | Technique
- height: 46.7 cm
- width: 39.2 cm
Inventory number
- KI 15165-744
- estate, 1866
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
- plate mark: aufgeklebte Marke: 744.F. [Feder in Schwarz]
- text on object: Angelica Kauffman pinx.t / Tho.s Burke sculp.t / ABRA / Amidst the maids of Zagen's peaceful grove / EMyra sung the pleasing cares of love. / Of Abra first began the tender strain, / Who led her youth with flocks upon the plain: / At morn she came those willing flocks to lead / Where lilies rear them in th' watry mead; / From carty dawn the live-long hours she told, / Till lat at silent eve she penn'd the fold.
- stamp: Bindenschild K. K. PORZ. MANUF. [Wiener Porzellanmanufaktur]
Frau sitzt auf einem Felsen und bindet einen Blumenkranz, neben ihr ein Hirtenstab und zwei Schafe;
Druckgrafik, ABRA, Angelika Kauffmann, MAK Inv.nr. KI 15165-744
Last update
- 22.01.2025