- 9 Sequenzen aus: 16. November, Eine Utopie in 9 wirklichen Bildern (original-language title)
- Fotocollage aus dem Film "16. November, Eine Utopie in 9 wirklichen Bildern" (descriptive title)
- 16. November, Eine Utopie in 9 wirklichen Bildern (project title)
- design: Missing Link, Vienna, after 1972
- photographer: Vienna, after 1972
Material | Technique
- height: 50 cm
- width: 71.9 cm
Inventory number
- KI 23091-7-1
- purchase, 2014-12-23
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
- text on object (Vorderseite, rechts unten) : SEQUENCES OUT OF "16. NOVEMBER - / AN UTOPIA IN 9 REAL PICTURES" / The 9th sequel of a series on TV, / "Impulses", showed "functional actions / and ways of acting" (sleeping, commu- / nication, traffic,...) projected into / an Utopien world of prototypes: people / function as bearers pf requisites; / simple objects and goods take over the / role of partners; individual locomotion / as a means of liberty, equality dege- / nerates into an over-complicated, foo- / lish puppet-show; reality is restric- / ted to dream visions. / One 16th of November ... an ordinary / day reduced to stylozed independent / actions
- stamp (Rückseite, rechts unten) : Rep. Österreich / Zollamt Wien / 28
Superordinated Object
photograph, 9 Sequenzen aus: 16. November, Eine Utopie in 9 wirklichen Bildern, Missing Link, MAK Inv.nr. KI 23091-7-1
Last update
- 01.03.2025