- 2 Fotografien von diversen Tafelaufsätzen aus Glas von Pierre Phillippe Thomire (given title)
- photographer: anonymous, before 1886
- execution of depicted work: Pierre Philippe Thomire, Paris, before 1843
Material | Technique
- height: 17.7 cm
- width: 52.5 cm
- secondary support cardboard - height: 27.2 cm
- secondary support cardboard - width: 58.4 cm
Inventory number
- KI 4644-1-2
- old holding,
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
- text on object (secondary support cardboard) : [Der Text verbindet die zwei Teile des Untersatzkartons]: Description of rystal glass "Surtout de table" say No. 2 / A magnificent crystal cut and mat gold surtout de table, consisting of seven plateaus (so constructed to be recuel at will) supporting groups of figures, Vases to, in which the mat gold metal is beautifully blended with most elaborately cut crystal signed by the / celebrated Thomiere of Paris - at each end of sirtout is a circular plateau 2 feet 6 inches in diameter of the same elaborate work supporting an exquisite vase of the same style, which can be used by itself seperately, as it forms a ... / sumptious centre piece - The original cases still exist and each minute piece has its place - / The further particulars refer to enclised opinions of Press
photograph, 2 Fotografien von diversen Tafelaufsätzen aus Glas von Pierre Phillippe Thomire, Anonym, MAK Inv.nr. KI 4644-1-2
Last update
- 23.01.2025