MAK Sammlungen

Objektbezeichnung: Fotografie
Titel: Fotografie zweier Tische mit Intarsien im Adam-Stil von ca. 1780 (vom Bearbeiter vergebener Titel), 199 Fotografien von Objekten der Ausstellung über altenglische Möbel im ehem. Bethnal Green Museum in London 1896. (Titelzusatz)
Entstehung / Datierung:
Fotograf: Anonym, London, 1896

Material: Untersatzkarton
Technik: Fotografie
Höhe: 15.5 cm
Breite: 25.7 cm

Inventarnummer: KI 7246-35
Provenienz: Ankauf (1897)
Text am Objekt: [Untersatzkarton, mittig unten, aufgeklebt]: 459. Table. Inlaid and mounted with brass. There is a / border of inlaying of brass and wood round the top. / There are two drawers in front with borders of brass / and brass lions let in. A foliage device with a rosette, / in brass, is in the centre of each dross-piece. The legs / have lions' heads at the top, and are very much curved, / ending in claw feet. They have bands of guilding at / intervals. Adam. About 1780. / Lent by the Hon. Sir Spencer Ponsonby-Fane, K.C.B., / Brympton, Yeovil.-(374.) / 460. Table. Imlaid with sycamore and rosewood, painted / and gilt. Round fluted legs bent round in a double / curve from bak to front and front to back. The top / is formed by three covers on hinges with cavities / beneath them. On the centre cover inside is an / inscription which says that the piece was made and / sold by John McLean an Son, 50, Upper Marleybone / Street. Adam's style. About 1780. / Lent by the Hon. Sir Spencer Ponsonby-Fane, K.C.B., / Brympton, Yeovil.-(378.) [Untersatzkarton, rechts unten]: 459. Tisch mit Bronzebeschlägen im Adam-Stil, um 1780. / 460. Tisch von J. McLean & Son im Adam-Stil, um 1780.
Abteilung: Bibliothek und Kunstblättersammlung
Sammlung: Vorbildersammlung
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