- Lacquer Pattern as Folding Screen in Fan Form
- デザイン: 初代橋本市蔵, Tōkyō-to 東京都, before 1873
時代 | 王朝 | 様式
材料 | 手法
Holz mit Lackdekor und unterschiedlichen Lackmustern
- 縦幅: 98 センチ
- 横幅: 64 センチ
- OR 3480
- 引継, 1907
- アジアコレクション
Hashimoto Ichizo was a lacquer artist who mainly concentrated on the decoration of sword scabbards (“saya”). When the bearing of swords was prohibited at the beginning of the Meiji period, he began to create free works of art in lacquer technique. This small folding screen made for the 1873 Vienna World’s Fair shows 84 lacquer patterns in the tradition of the saya decorations. The German engineer Gottfried Wagener (1831–1892) advised the Japanese government in its selection of more than 6 000 objects for the exhibition and motivated Japan to present itself with its own products and techniques. Hence this work, too, corresponds exactly to this recommendation. A practically identical piece made in 1895 by Hashimoto Ichizo II for the fourth Industrial Exhibition in Tokyo is in the Kyoto National Museum.
(Wieninger, Johannes)
paravent, Lacquer Pattern as Folding Screen in Fan Form, Hashimoto Ichizō I. 初代橋本市蔵, MAK Inv.nr. OR 3480
Last update
- 23.01.2025