- Wreath-Bearer
- デザイン: Leopold Forstner, um 1910
- Manufaktur: Wiener Mosaikwerkstätte Leopold Forstner, ウイーン
時代 | 王朝 | 様式
材料 | 手法
- 縦幅: 105.5 センチ
- 横幅: 87 センチ
- KE 9912
- purchase, 1979-04-24
- Glass and Ceramics Collection
- Leopold Forstner’s ceramics for decorating buildings can be considered exemplary of the “new fresco in material” (as Berta Zuckerkandl termed it) developed by him at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts. Based on models from the world of Byzantine mosaics and on his training at Innsbruck’s Glasmalerei und Mosaikwerkstatt [Glass Painting and Mosaic Workshop], Forstner developed a new style of mosaic that he successfully employed in monumental Viennese Modernist projects from 1906 onwards with the Wiener Mosaikwerkstätte [Vienna Mosaic Workshop], which he founded. “The concrete building, this ideal, modern type of construction, is particularly well suited to the employment of mosaics”, he wrote in 1910. His mosaics integrate relief-like ceramics, marble slabs, metal, and fired ceramic elements in order to achieve the desired effect. Forstner also applied this composite mosaic technique—inspired by Otto Wagner—to the design of the dining room at Stoclet House. (Franz, Rainald)
- Female half figure
On display
on display
mosaic, Wreath-Bearer, Leopold Forstner, MAK Inv.nr. KE 9912
Last update
- 02.03.2025